
Experience history first hand
Experience history first hand
Das sogenannte Heidesheimer Tor der Ingelheimer Pfalzanlage (Foto: Stadt Ingelheim, Benjamin May)

Important note

02.01.2024: The Kaiserpfalz Research Centre is currently only available to a limited extent. We can only respond to very urgent enquiries and requests and ask for your understanding for possible longer response times. Thank you very much.

Research – Preserve – Communicate

Welcome to the Kaiserpfalz of the city of Ingelheim am Rhein!

Charlemagne had a palace built in today’s Nieder-Ingelheim district around the year 800, the impressive ruins of which can be visited in the Archaeological Zone Kaiserpfalz (AZK). The Kaiserpfalz Research Centre, headed by medieval archaeologist Holger Grewe, is responsible for researching and preserving this unique early medieval monument.

In 1993, work began on gradually uncovering and preserving the remains of the palace buildings, which had been buried over the centuries and had almost disappeared under modern buildings, and making them accessible to the public. Today, the Kaiserpfalz of Ingelheim is the town’s most important monument and is one of the best-preserved early medieval palaces in Europe. Its preservation for future generations is therefore one of the most important tasks of the Kaiserpfalz Research Centre.

At the same time, with exhibitions such as The Charismatic Place in 2019, we want to arouse interest in an era that still harbours many secrets. Time and again, we come across unexpected and surprising things during our excavations. Based on the results of our research, we also develop digital educational content such as virtual tours or digital reconstructions of the Kaiserpfalz. In this way, we are constantly learning and gaining an idea of what Ingelheim might have looked like around 1200 years ago.

This website offers exciting insights into our research as well as all the important information for a visit to the Kaiserpfalz Archaeological Zone in Ingelheim.

You can also find lots more information on our Facebook page.

Have fun browsing and discovering!

Pillars of power: 360° tour of the monument

Discover all the monuments of the Archaeological Zone Kaiserpfalz, including the 2020 Pillars of Power presentation, on a virtual 360° tour:

» To the tour

Download now: The Kaiserpfalz app

QR-Code Kaiserpfalz-App iPhone
QR-Code Kaiserpfalz-App Google Play
Play Store

The Kaiserpfalz app is the ideal companion for a visit to the medieval palace ruins in Ingelheim. As a digital guide, it supplements the information in the circular route booklet and the signposting in the Kaiserpfalz area with audio texts, picture galleries and digital reconstructions. The Kaiserpfalz app is available free of charge from the AppStore and Play Store .

The karolinger-route website also offers a wealth of additional information. For example, you can use overlays to compare the current state of the site with the reconstructions.


29.11.2023: Aus personellen Gründen kann in der Archäologischen Zone Kaiserpfalz leider kein Winterdienst gewährleistet werden. Bei Eis und/oder Schnee kann es deshalb zu kurzfristigen Denkmalschließungen kommen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. Vom 23.12.2023 bis 5.1.2024 einschließlich sind die Denkmalbereiche in der Archäologischen Zone Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim geschlossen.

24.8.2023: Die Forschungsstelle Kaiserpfalz hat Band 3.1 der Wissenschaftlichen Reihe veröffentlicht: „Schriftquellen zur Pfalz Ingelheim. Lateinische Texte der karolingischen Epoche gesammelt, übersetzt und kommentiert“ lautet der Titel des im Michael Imhof Verlag erschienenen Buches.

4.8.2023: Seit 2015 untersuchen die Archäologinnen und Archäologen der Forschungsstelle Kaiserpfalz das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld im Bereich zwischen Rotweinstraße und Stevenagestraße. Im Juni hatte der fränkische Friedhof mal wieder eine große Überraschung parat: mitten zwischen den zahlreichen bereits im Mittelalter geplünderten Gräbern kam die Bestattung eines Mannes zum Vorschein, der seit über 1300 Jahren unberührt in der Erde verborgen lag.

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